Why Does Meditation Make You Sleepy?

It's quite common to feel a bit drowsy while meditating. This is because the active brain waves during meditation are similar to those in the early stages of sleep. That's why it's natural to feel a little sleepy during meditation from time to time. The best way to avoid this is to meditate first thing in the morning, when you're most alert.

Even if you get enough sleep, it's best to take advantage of the time of day when you're most awake and energized. There's no need to worry if you feel sleepy during meditation - it's completely normal. When you meditate, both your body and mind relax, your breathing rate slows down, and the activity of your vagus nerve increases. This causes your entire system to shift into a state of rest and relaxation, which can make you feel sleepy.

In reality, this could be a positive sign that you're really restoring your resources. To avoid feeling sleepy after meditation, try ending your session with an active routine that will help you get back on track. You can also try more active types of meditation, such as visual meditations with open eyes or walking meditation. It's important to remember that feeling sleepy after meditation isn't necessarily caused by the practice itself.

It could be a sign that your body is trying to communicate something - like the need for more rest. Everyone's sleep needs are different, so it's important to listen to your body and get enough rest. When it comes to calming down and inducing sleep naturally, meditation is one of the most holistic solutions. If meditation makes you sleepy, it's probably because you're doing a technique that produces alpha brainwaves.

To help your brain transition from sleep mode to meditation mode, try developing a pre-meditation ritual if you wake up early to meditate. In the long run, regular meditation will help you feel more energized without having to sleep as much. Additionally, make sure not to eat too much before meditating - this can make it difficult for you to maintain the awareness needed for calming your mind, resulting in regular sleep instead of meditation. Sometimes people consume all their mental and physical energy without taking the necessary rest, so the relaxation they experience during meditation can be so profound that they want to sleep longer than usual. Eating unhealthy foods that take a long time to digest can also make your body feel lethargic, so with those eating habits, you may start sleeping much longer than usual when you start meditating.

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